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Friday, June 17, 2011

How to disable Windows Update Restart Pop Up

1. You are in between some work and windows automatic update reboot prompt is bugging you always?

Even if you press reboot later option, the prompt will come after sometime and there is every chance that you click on reboot now button accidentally and end up in losing all your work. To stop this prompt till your next reboot do the following:

Login to command prompt and type

sc stop wuauserv

You are done!!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Downland manager for Ubuntu

The best download manager that can be used in any Linux OS is wget. If you are downloading a big file just use the option -c so that the download will resume from where it ended incase of any connection interuption.

wget -c file.tar.zg.

If you still need a GUI to manage your downloads you can either use kget or gwget. Installation of both is simple.

sudo apt-get install kget


sudo apt-get install gwget


Sunday, June 5, 2011

umount -l /nfsbackup Cannot create link /etc/mtab~ Perhaps there is a stale lock file?

Getting the following error while trying to umount a NFS mount?

root@# umount -l /nfsbackup
Cannot create link /etc/mtab~
Perhaps there is a stale lock file?

Please check whether there is temp files with the name /etc/mtab.tmp and /etc/mtab~ . Deleting these files will solve the problem. These files are either left over from a reboot or created accidentally.


Cannot login as root in FreeBSD

In FreeBSD servers direct ssh root login is disabled by default settings. You need to enable the root access manually by doing the following.

# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find out the following parameter :
PermitRootLogin no

Change it to :
PermitRootLogin yes

After you do the changes, save and exit. Then restart sshd.

# /etc/rc.d/sshd restart


How to archive emails in zimbra

There is no direct way to archive mails in free version of zimbra. instead, you can create a loal directory from zimbra and move all the emails in your inbox to that directory. But there lies another problem. You can only view 100 mails per page in zimbra. This makes the tasks more time consuming. Suppose you have 20000 mails in your queue you will have to repeat the same process 200 time!!. There is a way to change the view on webmail to see more than 100 mails per page. You can do this by changing the zimbraPrefMailItemsPerPage property for your email account to via zmprov.

Login to your server and do the following:

su zimbra

zmprov ma zimbraPrefMailItemsPerPage 500

where ma stands for modify account.

Then you can change webmail settings from preferences to see more than 500 mails per page ;).